“Pre-Fascist” No Longer: Armed Trumpist Takeover of US Cities Begins
Right now, armed, unidentified federal forces are on the streets of Portland, abducting people off the streets and shoving them into rented vans. These federal goon squads are operating against the express wishes of the city’s mayor and the state’s governor. Trump’s acting “Homeland Security” honcho, Chad Wolf, flew to Portland on Thursday to reinforce this […]
Lo-Fi in Lockdown, Vol 3: The Last Hurrah
Friends and neighbors, the very last Lo-Fi in Lockdown is available RIGHT NOW for your viewing pleasure, 24/7, from here to eternity. So come join special guest stars Ava Gardner, Gregory Peck, Jim Driscoll, Sky the Wonder Dog and your host, Chris Floyd, for live music, videos (including the world premiere of a studio song […]
Starmer’s ‘Sister Souljah’ Ploy Falls Flat in a Much-Changed World
Keir Starmer to sign up for unconscious bias training amid criticism (Guardian) I find it difficult to believe that a man as capable and intelligent as Keir Starmer did not know exactly what he was saying and why in his now infamous statement. He was consciously trying to have a “Sister Souljah” moment. But this […]
Rapid Fire: John Bolton and Mengele’s Moustache; Plus Other Recent Horrors
From recent Facebook posts: John Bolton and Mengele’s Moustache Let us all please, please understand: John Bolton is a war criminal, one of the most loathsome wretches ever vomited up by the corrupted, militarised power structure of the US elite. He happily, gladly, giddily went to work for Trump, knowing he was a corrupt, racist, […]
Rapid Fire (UK edition): Send in the Clowns; BoJo in Whiteface; a Glimmer of Hope
From recent Facebook posts: 1. Feigned Incompetence as a Cover for an Agenda of Extremist Evil (Williamson can hardly fiddle the science when he can’t count to two) In Covid Time, the UK government has become an endless freak show of third-rate goobers and bug-eyed extremists trying to hide their actual, unconscionable strategy – “Do as […]
“Lo-Fi in Lockdown!” Episode Two: After Midnight
Live music! Film clips! Guest stars! It’s a new half-hour of original Americana from Tennessee singer-songwriter Chris Floyd of the Holy Fools. So grab yourself your libation of choice and settle in for some soul-searching and barn-burning in the murky depths of Covid Time! Featuring the incendiary call to action: “Just One Plank (I’m For […]
No More Masks: Pandemic Bares the Rotten Core of Anglo-American Power Elites
The vile, brutal inhumanity that lies at the core of the power systems in both the US and UK is being laid bare as never before by the pandemic. Today, the UK’s death toll from the virus surpassed Italy’s; but the headlines were filled with stories about a top scientist hit by a sting operation […]
Death of a Nation
Every American should realize: the heavily armed groups – funded and organized by rightwing oligarchs – whom the president is now praising for protesting the lockdowns – WILL be out on the streets, threatening and very possibly killing people if Trump, despite all the GOP vote rigging, loses in November. Yes, that is absolutely where […]
Malevolent Magic: The Voodoo of Exceptionalism is Killing Thousands in the US and UK
Test-Trace-Quarantine. Countries that follow TTQ have lower death counts from Covid-19 – and their societies and economies have stayed open. For a number of reasons – none of them good, and some of them malevolent – neither the United States nor Great Britain have followed this proven method of tackling the pandemic. As a result, […]
Death Watch: Dispatches from the Demise of a Nation
Here are a few Facebook dispatches from the last 24 hours of the ongoing collapse of the American republic: Donald Trump has just asserted, on national television, that he has total power over America and can rule like a dictator. “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total.” And what did […]