Unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances put me on the road last week; now, foreseen circumstances are setting me on my way again. Again, I don’t know the connectivity situation where I’m going, so posting might be light for the next several days — or who knows, I might be blogging like a house on fire. (Or a London street on fire, as the case may be.) Sorry for the sporadicality this month, but it couldn’t be helped. I’m hoping more regular programming will be resumed soon.

Meanwhile, here’s a couple of things to pass the time. First up is a slice from the EP “Just One Plank” (for sale, cheap, here). It’s called “Tonight I Will Dream,” and was done with Nick Kulukundis.



And just for the hell of it, here is a primitive field holler captured on rickety equipment in the wilds of Glasgow, Scotland, a few weeks ago. A song about the “Sacred Parishes” of New Orleans, where “they drown the poison out of this whole land….” And man, is there a lot of poison to drain these days.


Sacred Parishes (Live) by Chris Floyd

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